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Le secret des âmes



Regular price €5,00 EUR
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Merlinite is a black colored stone with distinctive white or light gray patterns. It is often referred to as a " stone of magic " due to its mystical appearance and unique energy properties.

In lithotherapy, merlinite is often used to help stimulate intuition and spiritual understanding . It is also considered a stone of transformation , helping to clear emotional blockages and encouraging personal growth . It is also used to help strengthen the connection between body and mind .

On a physical level, merlinite is often used to help relieve pain and inflammation , especially in muscles and joints. It is also known to help boost the immune system and regulate blood circulation .

Merlinite is often used in meditation and spiritual healing practices, where it is placed on the chakras to help balance the body's energy . It is also used to create jewelry and decorative items , due to its unique appearance and beneficial energy properties.

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